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Destiny Dane

Destiny Dane aktualny profil gwiazdy. Aktualnie zajmuje pozycję 5927 w naszym rankingu najwyżej ocenianych. Dotychczas profil polubiło 28 osób. Profil nie przypadł do gustu 0 osobom. W tym momencie profil Destiny Dane został obejrzany 835 razy. Filmy z udziałem Destiny Dane obejrzano na 202 razy. W naszej bazie, znajduje się około 5 filmów z udziałem Destiny Dane. 42 razy profil Destiny Dane otrzymał komentarz ze strony napalonych użytkowników Destiny Dane można znaleźć w filmach w których występuje najczęściej .

42 komentarze

Przez Anonymous - 983 days ago
Entering eternal Paradise and becoming safe from eternal Hell Fire (Msg being communicated as received, for the sole purpose of eternal success of mankind. Pl do read it in full without any prejudice before closing it )……...Peace and blessings of our Creator be on you all brothers and sisters in humanity all over the world . Islam in fact began when we all were gathered in front of our Creator/ Yahweh / God AlMighty/ Pramatama/ Eeshwaar / Bhagawan / Elohim/ Jehowah/ Ahura Mazda (الله جل جلا له) in the form of Spirits (this present body was not yet given at that time and was created later on ) and He took a covenant from us , saying as narrated in the HOLY QURAN, " Am I your Rab (Sustainer, Cherisher ) and we all replied , " yes indeed ( without any doubt) You are ( our Rab). What was in hearts and minds I.E LOVE WITH OUR CREATOR , came on our lips. Now as a trial this present body along with spirit has been given and we have been sent into this world as our Creator - Creator/ Yahweh / God AlMighty/ Pramatama/ Eeshwaar / Bhagawan / Elohim/ Jehowah / Ahura Mazda (الله جل جلا له) wants to see which ones among His creation do good deeds and abstain from bad ones. All the Messengers peace and blessings of our Creator on them sent by our Creator in different parts of the world at different times, reminded the mankind of the same covenant until He decided to send his final messenger i.e Muhammadمحمد صلى الله عليه و اله وسلم(Salla Allah o alaihi wa aalayhi wasallam)may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him to complete the deen of Islam about whom all the previous messengers including Jesus and Moses and others peace be upon them all, had prophesized in previous Holy Scriptures such as The Holy Bible , Gita, Veda, Parsi Scriptures , Osta , Buddhist Scriptures etc. Success of all mankind in this world and hereafter lies in obeying the Commandments of our Creator and following the noble ways of our Prophet Muhammad محمد صلى الله عليه و اله وسلم ( Salla Allah o alaihi wa aalayhi wasallam) may peace and blessings of Creator/ Yahweh / God AlMighty/ Pramatama/ Eeshwaar / Bhagawan / Elohim/ Jehowah / Ahura Mazda (الله جل جلا له)/Allah be upon him which have been preserved and protected in HOLY QURAN AND HADEES BY ALMIGHTY OUR CREATOR HIMSELF. This success of both the Worlds can be achieved in following ways.(1) Directly reading Quran and Hadees with meanings in own native language. (2) Trying to inculcate in ourselves habbit of inquiring ourselves before any act / decision about what does our Creator command us regarding this act i.e in the Holy Quran and how did our Reverend Prophet Muhammadمحمد صلى الله عليه و اله وسلم perform that action i.e by consulting Books of Hadees. This practice can be made more easy by joining silsilae baitسلسلہء بیعت ) (, tableeghi jamaat ( تبلیغی جماعت) daawat e Islami (دعوت اسلامی) or any other group who teaches or makes us practice both Quran and Hadees. One of reasons for revealing Qur’aan was that previous scriptures revealed before Qur’aan (though true scriptures revealed by our Creator) ,were sadly corrupted by some people to gain material benefits so falsehood & truth got mixed up in these scriptures. So to save entire mankind and jinns from Hell Fire & make them enter eternal Paradise, Qur’aan was revealed which is being protected by our Creator Himself. May our Creator reward & guide us & you& make us repent from our sins. IT IS REQUESTED THAT WE ALL SHOULD DO TWO IMP TASKS 1. Keep on Asking our Creator to guide us to the straight path after sincere repentance from our sins - an act which lifts up the curtains between us and our Creator so that we feel His existence and 2. Making all out efforts to find it( the straight path ) i.e Read translation of Quraan – The Final and Eternal Revelation of our Creator (الله جل جلا له) to mankind and of course along with reading our own religious Scriptures – may be The Holy Bible , Gita, Veda, Parsi Scriptures , Osta , Buddhist Scriptures or any set of beliefs (even if someone of us is an atheist) for comparison and He our Creator is the Best Guider to His Mercy in both the worlds . May our Creator guide us all towards the straight path of Islam, saving us from eternal fire of Hell and making us all enter eternal Paradise . Aameen.
Przez Anonymous - 2312 days ago
Przez Anonymous - 2314 days ago
sorta a rip off of ultimate surrender
Przez Anonymous - 2314 days ago
those girls are hot i want to fuck them
Przez Anonymous - 2316 days ago
she is not his wife...
Przez Anonymous - 2317 days ago
Przez Anonymous - 2317 days ago
I want to be in that movie
Przez Anonymous - 2319 days ago
only lol...
Przez Anonymous - 2319 days ago
That was so sexy
Przez Anonymous - 2319 days ago
does anyone know the name of this girl?
Przez Anonymous - 2322 days ago
este negro tiene una verga q mmmm!!! se antoja
Przez Anonymous - 2323 days ago
sexy lissssaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
Przez Anonymous - 2324 days ago
whats with the gap and the loose vag
Przez Anonymous - 2324 days ago
hot. that girls got a fine ass.
Przez Anonymous - 2325 days ago
elle est trop bonne hummm! redemande encore !
Przez Anonymous - 2326 days ago
damn your hot i would eat the hell out of your pussy.
Przez Anonymous - 2327 days ago
Desperdician agua mientras se dan un buen gustazo XD
Przez Anonymous - 2330 days ago
What a pussy cum very hard
Przez Anonymous - 2330 days ago
Przez Anonymous - 2332 days ago
esta vieja es colombiana
Przez Anonymous - 2332 days ago
Przez Anonymous - 2333 days ago
I like when my friend fucks my wife. It*s great
Przez Anonymous - 2336 days ago
me encanta esta mujer es una super amante del sexo
Przez Anonymous - 2336 days ago
great tits on the girl shame the bloke is just one big TIT though
Przez Anonymous - 2339 days ago
how do you get a girl to ddo this
Przez Anonymous - 2343 days ago
holly you sound like a girl who needs to dicks
Przez Anonymous - 2344 days ago
Any of these girls wanna call me and set something up?!
Przez Anonymous - 2345 days ago
how did he take his pants off without taking the shoes off XD
Przez Anonymous - 2345 days ago
take back it not good may you have some black girls
Przez Anonymous - 2346 days ago
good video until dipshit had to grab his dick at the end
Przez Anonymous - 2350 days ago
Oie we tenias uno donde la chava te la mama no?
Przez Anonymous - 2351 days ago
Can you imagine f_ _king her! Oh, yes it would be good!
Przez Anonymous - 2351 days ago
So hot
Przez Anonymous - 2354 days ago
Przez Anonymous - 2357 days ago
thats one huge fucking cock =p
Przez Anonymous - 2357 days ago
Big b. oo. bs
Przez Anonymous - 2357 days ago
ciao chi lo v.......
Przez Anonymous - 2358 days ago
geile sau deine alte
Przez Anonymous - 2359 days ago
I love you mama
Przez Anonymous - 2365 days ago
Oriental girls are the best. They know how to satisfy a cock.
Przez Anonymous - 2369 days ago
great music
Przez Anonymous - 2414 days ago
need more videos like this

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